How To Earn Your Fellowship:
The point system and degree program are designed to encourage, recognize and reward those who demonstrate outstanding imaging skills and provide service and education to the profession. The program helps affiliate organizations attract program talent and encourages the individual to learn and achieve. Only PPC members will be awarded points, and only specified points can be applied toward a degree.
In January 1999, the PPC Board of Directors adopted a new degree program. The degree program includes the following: Colorado Service Fellowship of Photography (S.F.) and Colorado Educational Fellowship of Photography (E.F.) and the Colorado Photographic Fellowship of Photography (P.F.). A review committee consisting of Fellowship chairperson(s) current and past Fellowship recipients has been established to review the Degree applications to help with points toward Fellowships.
Section I: Award Rules and Information/Points
Service Fellowship of Photography S.F. ……………………..30 Points
Educational Fellowship of Photography E.F. ………………….30 Points
Photographic Fellowship of Photography P.F…………………..30 Points
Gold Bar of Ribbon Service, Educational or Photographic……….25 Points
Past President’s and Fellowship Degree………………………Ribbon
Section II: Who is Eligible?
All paid-up Active, Associate, Student, Sustaining and Honorary Life Members of Professional Photographer’s of Colorado in good standing for thirty-six (36) or more consecutive months prior to making application for the degree.
Section III: Rules
Please read and follow these rules exactly. To not do so, may cause loss of Points. If instructions and rules are not followed, the PPC may have no choice but to disallow the Points. All decisions on eligibility for Points will be made by the Fellowship Committee.
Points are earned in a calendar year and are presented at the Annual Holiday Party. Please turn your points application EVERY year into the Fellowship Chairperson, Ellen Nelson.
Proof of Service, Educational or Print Merit are on the honor system. If the committee has questions regarding your application, proof may be requested and must be supplied prior to the presentation at the Annual Holiday Party.
If requested, proof of Service, Education or Print Points can be a copy of a Program, Newsletter, copy of PPA Award Merit, minutes of a Board Meeting, Chairperson’s notes, Print Chairperson’s records or Scores or Awards and Secretary of Treasurer records.
The Service Fellowship Degree Award requires Thirty (30) Points, with a minimum of twenty (20) Service Points to be earned through service to Professional Photographers of Colorado. The additional ten (10) point awards may be for Educational or Photographic.
The Educational Fellowship Degree Award requires Thirty (30) Points, with a minimum of twenty (20) Educational Points to be earned through education to the Professional Photographers of Colorado. The additional ten (10) points may be for Service or Photographic.
The Photographic Fellowship Degree Award requires Thirty (30) Points, with a minimum of twenty (20) Photographic Points to be earned through State print competitions. The additional ten (10) Points may be for Service or Education.
For those individuals who after receiving either Service, Education, or Photographic Degree Awards, may be awarded a gold Bar to be worn on the neck ribbon for each additional twenty five (25) Service, Educational or Print Points or for those who earned all three degree awards, for any combination of the three totaling twenty five (25) Points.
The presentation of Fellowship Degree Awards and the Gold Bar Award will be made at this Association’s Annual Holiday Party to those members who earned and have been notified of Award earned.
All members receiving a Service and/or Educational and/or Photographic Fellowship Degree Medal with ribbon are requested to wear the Award at ALL formal Photographic PPA functions and monthly meetings.
The Fellowship Committee have the right to change any of the Award Rules with a two thirds (2/3) vote.
Committee chairman will review a written report of points earned by 15 days prior to Annual Holiday Party.
Chairperson merits are given with satisfactory completion of service and updating their job assignments in the SOP at the end of each year.
Your digital form must be returned by December 1 at midnight. Late entries will not be considered.
It’s time to record your Fellowship medals and Columbine Pin points! If you haven’t filled out a form in a while, or didn’t keep track of your 2024 involvement, our new form should help! In 2022, Ellen Nelson and Elane Graves designed a digital form that eliminates the need to fill out the cumbersome spreadsheet used in the past. The new form was devised to be intuitive and will prompt you about your involvement in the past year (the Fellowship year runs from the day after the PPC Elevate Conference in the past year to the final day of the Elevate Conference in the current year). Fellowship points not used in a year will be applied to the following year.
To help simplify the form process, PPC State Competition, MIR and/or IPC entry titles are no longer necessary. Please do not double count! If you claimed PPC State Competition points for an image you submitted on last year’s form and submitted it to PPA MIR and/or IPC this year, please do not claim PPC State Competition points again this year.
If you have any questions, please refer to Sections I - VI of the Rules and Information for Fellowship Degree or contact Ellen Nelson, Fellowship Chairperson at​

How To Earn Your Columbine Pin
PPC is dedicated to serving its members and we recognize our members’ help in serving the organization. This unique pin symbolizes dedication and participation every time it’s displayed on a lanyard. ​
Purpose and Goal
The purpose of the award is to promote member participation, encourage personal growth as a photographer and teacher and to reward simple acts of service that help our events run well.​
When is the Columbine Pin Awarded
The Columbine Pin is awarded annually at the PPC Holiday Party in December and given to all PPC members in good standing who have earned 15 or more points in our award scheme in any given year. The award runs separately from the Fellowship Award. Members can earn a Columbine Pin every year they participate. Points do not carry over.
Columbine Point Year
Members are responsible for keeping track of their points throughout the year starting the day after our annual conference the prior year through the last day of our annual conference. Your digital form must be returned by December 1 at midnight. Late entries will not be considered.
In 2023, Alison Gibson and Janice Nolan worked diligently with Elane Graves to integrate the Columbine Pin scorecard into a Fellowship/Columbine Pin digital form to eliminate its redundancy.
Fellowship medals, XXV bands and Columbine Pins are awarded annually at the PPC Holiday Party in December.