Push Your Creative Boundaries with Our Image Competition
The purpose of this event is to offer image competition, scoring, feedback, critique videos and awards for our PPC members. The competition is for individual digital images, and/or digital albums. These entries are judged against a standard of excellence using the 12 Elements of a Merit Image as a guide. These guidelines closely follow those used by PPA (Professional Photographers of America, Inc.) We use the 65 – 100 scoring scale to determine awards and accolades.​
The Colorado State Image Competition Awards celebrate the outstanding photography talent within the beautiful state of Colorado. Photographers from all backgrounds and skill levels come together to submit their best work, showcasing everything from diverse landscapes to stunning portraiture that make Colorado and our photographers unique. ​
Submission Dates
Regular Entry
TBD 10:59 MST pm
Late Entry
TBD 11:00 MST pm - Oct 15
Holiday Party & Awards
More info coming soon...
PPC is proud to present it’s members a variety of awards each year in both General & PPA Master’s categories, along with several other awards & designations that members are eligible to earn.
Image Competition Awards
1st, 2nd, 3rd place trophies in each competition category​
14er's Pins for 6 for 6, 5 for 6, & 4 for 6
Court of Honor Plaque | Top 10 makers by highest accumulative score of makers' highest 6 entries
Best in Show Trophy | Highest scoring image of the competition
General & Master Photographer of the Year Trophies | Awarded at each tier for highest accumulative score of makers' highest 6 entries
Juror’s Choice Ribbons
First Timer Award | Highest accumulative score of a first time entrant's highest 6 entries
Best “Out Of State” | Highest single scoring image from an out of state or Non Member maker
Jack Avalos Trophy with Name Plate & 1 year of display for this prestigious, traveling award | Combined judges choice after a group discussion and consideration.​
Other Prestigious Awards Available to PPC Members
ASP Award | Highest scoring image of a ASP member
CPP Award | Highest scoring image of a CPP holder
PPC Honorary Awards & Designations
Colorado Award
Volunteer of the Year
PPA National Award
*Awards & trophy designs are subject to change. Images from PPC makers in good standing scoring 80 or higher “Print/Image of Distinction” qualify for awards.