James Harris will talk you through his planning process ahead of a trip so that you are well prepared when you arrive at your destination to maximize your opportunities and minimize your stress levels. His tips include gear choices and how to travel with all you need to make lasting memories and great images. Knowing and understanding different cultural considerations before your feet hit the ground abroad are also essential parts of successful photography expeditions. If time permits, James may also talk about his documentary photography and opportunities that have arisen years after the initial project.
You’ll learn:
How to research an area for the latest up-to-date information
How to pack camera equipment for trips big and small
Non-photography extras to bring
What to bring in your camera bag
What to leave at home
Airports and security
Protecting against equipment theft
Photo equipment and bad weather
Asking permission to photograph people
Is travel insurance necessary?
Details: Date: Thursday, March 9, 2023 In-Person Location: Castlewood Library, 6739 S. Uinta Street, Centennial, CO 80112 Zoom Option: Register in advance and we’ll send the Zoom link. Time: 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm (MST) Event Policy: Please review our: PPC Cancellation Policy PPC Fellowship Points: Attend PPC event 1-4 hours (point for each meeting attended) – 0.5
About James:
James is a multi-award-winning fine art landscape photographer and photo educator based in Colorado Springs, Colorado where he lives with his wife. Together they have 7 children who are all grown and out on their own.
His love of photography started back in 1965 when his dad bought him a Kodak Instamatic camera for his 8th birthday. After he had the first roll of film developed, he was hooked!
James is very involved with the Professional Photographers of America (PPA), the American Society of Photographers (ASofP), the Professional Photographers of Colorado (PPC), and the Professional Photographers Guild of Colorado Springs (PPGCS). He is the Sponsorship Coordinator for the PPGCS and serve as a board member. James also holds a Master of Photography degree (M.Photog.) and is a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP).