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PPC Workshop: Take Your Photography to New Heights 6-10-23

Writer's picture: PPCPPC
Drone Image

Photo credit: Vic Moss

Drones aren’t just a buzzword.

If you’re curious about how drones and drone photography can be a powerful tool in your photography business and a compelling differentiator, have we got the workshop for you!

Introducing… Vic Moss.  A professional commercial photographer who first incorporated drones into his business in 2013, and has become a master of drone photography, drone advocacy, and drone safety and technique.

The workshop will expand on topics covered during the meeting and include hands-on time with a drone and editing drone images. (You do not need to own a drone to attend and participate. A few “loaner” drones will be available.)

What you’ll learn:

Empower Field

Photo credit: Vic Moss

Practical uses for drones across multiple industries

  1. How Vic incorporates drones into his own professional work

  2. How to get started and what to look for in your first drone

  3. Composition, exposure, and file types

  4. Editing basics

  5. Types of drones, their uses, capabilities

  6. FAA regulations, including different certifications and where you can and cannot fly

  7. Drone Safety

  8. Drone advocacy work (committees, DSPA, etc)

The workshop will be capped at 12 people so get your registration in early! Parking IS limited, so please carpool if possible.

What to bring:

Photo credit: Vic Moss

Your laptop. We’ll learn to edit provided images, then later edit the images shot during the hands-on session. Vic uses the following applications to process images:

  1. Photoshop

  2. Capture One

  3. Luminar NEO:

  4. Luminar HDR merge:

  5. Your lunch. Our lunch window will be small and there are few, if any, options nearby for a quick lunch.

  6. Your drone (if you have one.) Please DO NOT bring a “toy” drone – this workshop is designed for “prosumer” level drones.  NOTE: Vic is familiar with DJI and Autel drones. He will not be able to provide support for any other drones. If you don’t have a drone, don’t worry – a few loaner drones will be available.

IMPORTANT: All attendees MUST complete the FAA TRUST exam before class if you intend to fly that day (unless you are Part 107 certified).  TRUST provides education and testing on important safety and regulatory information. If you fly your drone recreationally under the Exception for Recreational Flyers, you MUST pass the test before you fly.

You also need to download the following smartphone app if you intend to fly: B4UFLY:

Photo credit: Vic Moss

Photo credit: Vic Moss

Tentative schedule: 8:30-9:00 – Social time and networking. 9:00-10:00 – Presentation and discussion on composition. 10:00-10:30 – Deep dive into exposure and file type. 10:30-10:45 – Break 10:45-11:00 – Camera set-up for drone and DSLR-type cameras. 11:00-12:00 – Editing basics (RAW images provided.) 12:00-12:30 – Lunch 12:30 to 1:15 – Drone safety talk, then practice outside. 1:15-2:30 (approx) – Drone flying and image capture. We’ll probably pair up. 2:30-2:45 – Break 2:45-3:30 – Back to class to edit the imagery taken during the flight times. 3:30 – 4:00 – Q&A sessions, etc.

WHEN: Date: Saturday, June 10, 2023 Location: Golden, CO. (You’ll receive details before the event.) Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (MST) Cost: PPC / PPA / PPGCS Guild Member $149 Non-Member Cost: $199

PPC Fellowship Points: 1 PPA Continuing Education Merit for the full day. Attendees must attend the full day in order to get the continuing education merit.

About Vic Moss

Vic Moss holds a degree in photography, has been a commercial photographer since 1988, and his projects have taken him all over the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, and India. He specializes in photography for the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) industry.

Vic started flying drones commercially in 2013, and started working with the FAA on drone education and safety in 2018. As an FAA Drone Pro for the CO/WY region, he has worked with drone operators who have broken regulations or flown recklessly and helped them understand the rules and fly more safely. He is one of only two members of the FAA’s Advance Aviation Advisory Committee (AAAC), formerly known as Drone Advisory Committee (DAC). Vic works on a number of governmental subcommittees and travels Washington D.C. quarterly to meet with the FAA and discuss regulatory charges in the drone rules.

Vic has taught photography unofficially for 15 years (high schools, demos, etc), and officially for at least 5 years. He teaches online classes with the Pilot Institute.

Vic is the main administrator of the Facebook groups Commercial Drone Pilots, and UAV Legal News & Discussions, with a combined membership of almost 40,000 drone pilots. Additionally, he is VP/COO of Drone Service Providers Alliance (DSPA). DSPA is a 501(c)(6) whose main focus is advocating on behalf of small and medium-sized drone companies in the U.S.  Vic will also be exhibiting and moderating two panels at May’s AUVSI XPONENTIAL (XPO), the largest Unmanned conference in the world at the Colorado Convention Center May 8-11. 

Additional resources for the curious:

Photo credit: Vic Moss

  1. DSPA: (there is also a button on our landing page for a free floor pass to the AUVSI XPO in May)

  2. XPO: UAV Law News and Discussion FB group:

  3. Commercial drone pilot FB group:

Train - Drone Shot

Photo credit: Vic Moss


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