These rules pertain to images entered as digital files created by any photographic process. All entries must be registered with PPColorado via
Enter at:
Entrant must have captured and created the original exposure or exposures in all categories with the exception of the Artist category (carefully review the Artist description).
All processing, manipulation, or rendering must be done by the entrant or under their direct supervision.
The entrant has obtained and has access to all necessary releases (model or property) and agrees to hold PPColorado harmless against all claims and liabilities arising out of PPColorado’s display, publication, and promotion or other use of each image submitted to PPColorado.
No entry will be eligible if it has been made under the supervision of an instructor or as a class assignment. All images submitted must be self-directed. Images created in an educational environment under direct supervision from an instructor are ineligible.
Any entry that has been created from an existing photograph, portrait, graphic, or any other artwork produced by another person is a violation of the competition rules and will not be judged, accepted, or displayed. If an entry, in the good-faith opinion of the PPColorado, violates copyright, trademark, or any other applicable law, that entry shall not be displayed or published.
Entries of the same subject in multiple images will be allowed, if the images are entirely different concepts.
Any image/photograph previously entered into a PPColorado Annual Conference Image Competition scoring 80 or higher may NOT be re-entered into the annual conference or any other image competition governed by PPColorado.
All PPA MIR images scoring "Merit" are now eligible for PPColorado's competitions if they have been captured/created within the last 24 months.
Images that have NOT scored a PPA Merit or higher are eligible regardless of creation date.​
Images receiving the Imaging Excellence prior to the date of entry (formerly Loan Collection) status at any of the Professional Photographers of America (PPA) MIR monthly Competitions or those that previously earned a medal (bronze or higher) at the International Print Competition (IPC, GIA), may NOT be entered into any PPColorado Image Competition.
Previous GIA images not advancing to the Bronze medal level or higher will be accepted into PPColorado competition regardless of creation date.
Images so entered may be disqualified at the discretion of the Image Competition Committee Chair without notice to the entrant.
Images, not of acceptable exhibition content will be judged for score and awards consideration but may not be displayed on the PPColorado website. The decision of acceptable content will be based on the standards set by the National Gallery in Washington, DC and at the discretion of the PPColorado Board and Image Competition Committee.
PPC members may submit up to 8 entries.
They may consist of individual digital files or a digital album, (minimum 10 pages, an album counts as one entry) or a combination of both (files or albums) for judging.​​
The entrant’s name shall not appear anywhere in or on the face of the entry.
Competition registration starts at Please follow directions from there to for payment and upload.
Awards are based on the 6 highest scoring entries per individual.
No changes to your entry are permitted once the entry deadline has passed.
No refunds will be issued after the entry fee is paid.
Entrants that are members in good standing of PPColorado at the time of entry and entries marked “Print of Distinction”, scoring 80 points or higher, are eligible for awards. Awards are determined by the judges or by the print score itself.
Do I have to be a PPC or PPA member to enter an image competition?​
No, but the PPC non-member entry fees are customarily higher and you will need to be a PPC member to be eligible for most awards.
Can I enter PPC image competition if my image(s) has merited at the PPA MIR or gone through IPC (International Photographic Competition)?
You are permitted to enter images that received a "Merit" in PPA's Merit Image Review so long as it's original capture/creation date was within the last 24 months. You may not enter images that receive the distinction of Imaging Excellence (previously Loan Collection) or those that received a Bronze or higher medal with the Grand Imaging Awards regardless of the creation date. Merited Images from IPC 2022 or older will not be permitted.
Can I enter a physical photograph?
For our PPC competition, no. We use only a digital judging format. We encourage you to bring print outs of your prints to our Image Competition Event and we will create a “leader board” with them as we go along.
Can I use added elements to a photograph for competition?
For most categories other than the Artist Category, additional elements must be your own image/item/element to qualify.
The Wildlife & Reportage categories descriptions have additional restrictions. Please read the descriptions for details.
For the Artist category, you may add photographic or graphical elements if YOU have created or purchased them. AI generated imagery and/or elements are not permitted in any category.
Am I allowed to use someone else’s image in my entry?
In the Photographic categories not only is it a violation of copyright laws, but it is also strictly forbidden in the rules to use images not created by the maker. Entries should show your creativity and not intentionally copy any existing work from someone else.
In the Artist category, entries which have been reproduced from an existing photograph, portrait, graphic, or any other artwork produced by another person must be accompanied by permission from that maker and emailed to
Do I need to add a border and keystroke(s)?
Presentation is one of the 12 Elements of Design so it will be looked at for this kind of presentation. As to how large or small your borders, keystrokes, and the position of the image on the presentation, these are up to you.
Should I have my name or logo on the front of the image?
Absolutely not! If any of your identification is on the front of an image it will be DQ’d.
Can I have text on my image?
Yes, if it helps tell a story and is NOT your name or logo.
Should I give a title to my image?
Yes. A title helps tell the story and can enhance the impact of your image during the actual judging.
What size should my file be to upload for entry?
It should be sRGB color space, a jpg, and sized at 4000 pixels at the widest side of your image at 300DPI. On saving the file the compression should be at 10 to begin with. If your file is still above 3.5MB reduce the compression number to 9 or 8 …
What if my file size is larger than the suggested minimum after compression?
Refer to the last part above, please!
How do I name my files for upload?
For PPC competition please use the following format: image01.jpg, image02.jpg, image03.jpg, image04.jpg OR image1.jpg, image2.jpg, etc.
Where can I go for registering entries?
- Then click on the “REGISTER” link from the menu bar. Fill in the information, as you will need to have a personal account at to submit images. Make sure you select the PPColorado button to register for the correct image competition!
How many images can I enter?
For PPC, you may enter 8 images in any combination of categories.
​​Should I enter 8 images? Can I just enter 2, for example?
You may enter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 images into the competition. Some PPC awards are based on total case score so entering at least 6 images is the smartest way to go.
Can I mix my 8 entries with Photographic, Artist, and Wedding categories?
Yes. You may mix your 8 entries in any of the categories.
​Can you explain the differences between the categories? See the list of image categories.
The Photographic categories are for photographic imagery.
The Painterly category is for a digitally painted single image. This is not for composites or multiple images mixed together. It will be judged on the 12 elements with particular emphasis on technique. Please include the original capture in the image mat for comparison.
The Artist category is for composited imagery including photographic and graphic elements. You must have created or purchased the elements used in your image. In addition to consideration of the 12 elements of a merit image; for an image to be Merit worthy in the Artist Competition, additional evaluation is given to the skill level of the artwork done to the image as well as the creativity demonstrated by the maker. Ultimately the primary difference is the additional value or bias given to ability, technique, and the quality of the process to achieve the result.
The Wedding category looks closely at the candid element and storytelling of a real wedding.
Reportage is for images that illustrate an actual public or non–public event, life, an area of human interest, telling news that have meaning on the context or record of events, high impact and/or lasting emotional response. Images that illustrate sporting events are included in this category. There are specific limitations on what you can and cannot do while processing your image in this category, be sure to check out the full list of categories for rules.
AI Exhibition only of an AI generated image, this is the only acceptable use of AI in our competition. No AI elements will be permitted in any other category.
I’m confused about choosing an entry category… General or Master?
Makers who have NOT received a Master’s Degree from PPA should submit in GENERAL categories. Makers who have received any Master’s Degree from PPA should submit in MASTER categories. *Effective immediately if your degree has been published by PPA prior to Oct 10, 2024, but you haven’t walked the stage yet, you ARE in the Master categories.
​Non Members may enter, but please do not choose “member” from the top dropdown box on the form, leave that blank.
Can I enter the same subject in another image if it is treated differently and is unrecognizable?
Yes you may! Each image needs to be treated as a unique subject from your other image entries. If a subject is thought to be in another image, the Jury Chairman will make sure that it’s not from another photographer first. If you enter more than one image with the same subject, regardless of the pose, clothing, location, etc., your image will be DQ’d after the judging. So, use the same model but make sure the images are very different from each other.
When entering albums as “Multi-Maker” do both makers submit the album files?
It is not necessary to do so. Both makers must be members in good standing and register the entry along with case fees.
If I and another photographer have photographed an event together, can we both enter an album?
Yes, but each would have to register and pay the image submission fee.
Can I enter a self-portrait?
Yes, you may. Remember, the judges DO NOT know the maker of the images they are judging.
Can I enter an image I created at a photography workshop?
No. Grey area here . . . but the official rule is NO.
Can I change an image or title after registering and uploading
Yes. Please call Jeff Johnson at 303-921-4454. But you’re gonna owe me …!
Can I see my entries being judged?
Judging will be held both live and on zoom each year.
When will I know my entry score?
Your entry score will be announced immediately after the Judges scores are tabulated. If you are in the room or online, you will know your score. After that, your score will be posted on the website soon after the competition. You can also follow along online at Information on this feature is available on their website.
How can I get feedback on my images?
Before a competition, you can come to this program: The Image Critique Show or, seek out a PPA Master of Photography and ask if they would look at your images for feedback and critique. All critiques will be held live the following day for every image, be sure to tune in BOTH days.
How can I win an award for my entry?
Entrants that are current members of PPColorado at the time of entry and entries marked “Print of Distinction”, scoring 80 points or higher, are eligible for awards. Awards are determined by the judges or by the print score itself.